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Employing people with disabilities is more than just about doing what's right; it's about doing what's right for business. Here's why:
1- They're Capable & Qualified
People with disabilities are just like anyone else. They have strengths, weaknesses, talents and skills. They may have qualities and skills that you value in an employee.
Commonly, people with disabilities are grateful to have a job. They thrive on having a purpose and a daily routine; making them reliable, punctual and dedicated employees.
3-They're Motivated
Job seekers with disabilities want to work and are eager for the opportunity to utilize their skills, contribute and succeed.
4-Morale & Teamwork
More often than not, workers with disabilities are happy to be working and exhibit an enthusiastic attitude that boosts camaraderie and teamwork among all employees.
5-Productivity & Performance
Employers report that workers with disabilities perform no different than their non-disabled colleagues. Most people with disabilities are diligent, detail-oriented and committed to their responsibilities.
6- Employee Retention
Employees with disabilities have a high degree of loyalty to their employers. They often remain with a company for years, reducing employee turnover.
7-Untapped Labor Pool
People with disabilities are part of a talent pool of qualified and skilled workers often overlooked by employers.
8- Tax Incentives
Your business may qualify for tax credits when you hire job seekers who face barriers to employment.
Inclusive Culture
9- A diversified workforce promotes an inclusive culture where differences, perspectives and creativity are valued—a culture that appeals to a talent pool that organizations want to attract.
10- Everyone Benefits
When organizations focus on how people’s abilities and skills can contribute to the bottom line, it’s a win-win situation for employers and all their employees.